Besides golf, Mallorca unique natural sources
Oct 29, 2018 | 06:14:32
That should you have seen
Mallorca has what many do not know, no natural resources and thus no natural creek and river runs.
The sources of Ufanes idyllically situated in an oak forest, this offers a unique natural spectacle. While only if we golfers could not play golf due to heavy rain. One, two days after the heavy rain starts in the oak forest where the natural forest from the sources of Ufanes start to bubble. The more rainfall so much the more greater are the bubbling springs after a few day the water disappears and the creeks dry up again after the short or long. Since Mallorca usually not with abundant rainfall is blessed, this natural phenomenon occurs only in a few days a year, as now, after the fierce and abundant rainfall in recent days.
more picture under Gallery/Font de Ufanes