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Detailed course conditions: Alcanada

Rating written on May 08, 2022 by player with handicap: 36

Name Condition Tendency
Greenspeed (n/a)
Tee boxes *********. Very good -
Fairways ********** Excelent -
Semirough ********** Excelent -
Rough ********** Excelent -
Bunker ********** Excelent -
Fore green ********** Excelent -
Green ********** Excelent -
Bilingual Pros ********** Excelent -
Proshop ********** Excelent -
Secretary ********** Excelent -
Driving range ********** Excelent -
Chipping & Pitching area ********** Excelent -
Putting green ********** Excelent -
Practice bunker ********** Excelent -
Locker & Showerfacilities ********** Excelent -
Caddy master ********** Excelent -
Marshalls service ********** Excelent -
Course signs ********** Excelent -
Number of toilets ********** Excelent -
Condition of the toilets ********** Excelent -
Restfacilities ********** Excelent -
Ballwasher ********** Excelent -
Beverage service ********** Excelent -
Halfway house ********** Excelent -
Restaurant location ********** Excelent -
Restaurant design ********** Excelent -
Restaurant service ********** Excelent -
Restaurant food selection ********** Excelent -

Porsche like
